Our Mission & Core Values
Since our founding, Converse has been a community of scholars, 在这里,学生和教师追求学术卓越,在寻求真理的过程中合作,同时发展学生的个人荣誉, confidence, 以及成为终身学习者的好奇心和技能. 该学院从其基督教传统中汲取了许多特色,并欢迎所有信仰的学生.
万博地址仍然致力于建立和加强我们的学术课程,以应对未来. 1964年,我们启动了男女同校的研究生万博下载ios, 为成人和专业学习提供创新方案. 在2020年秋季,我们扩大了我们的使命,为女性和男性提供我们独特的本科教育. Converse’s undergraduate, graduate, 博士课程促进了一种归属感和协作文化,激发了创造力, innovation, and transformation. 我们的毕业生在领导角色中茁壮成长, service, and citizenship in their personal lives, community and beyond.
On July 1, 2021, 万博地址正式承认其长期以来的大学地位,并更名为万博地址. 万博地址包括教育学院, the School of Business and Data Science, the School of Education, the School of Liberal Arts & 科学学院、艺术学院和研究生院. 而万博地址现在所有的万博下载ios都是男女同校, 通过万博地址女子学院的规划,我们重申了创始人的信念,即一个小型的本科住宿文理学院是发展女性才能的独特强大的环境
Our Mission
万博地址能让学生成为眼光清晰的变革型领导者, decide wisely, and act justly.
Our Vision
万博地址提倡一种归属感和协作的文化,激发创造力, innovation, and transformation.
Our Core Values
万博地址以拥有归属感和激发创造力的合作文化而自豪, innovation, and transformation. 支持我们使命的是指导万博地址致力于创造力和培养明智领导者的七个核心价值观.
这些永恒的信念是万博地址的指南针. 它们超越时间,延伸到整个机构,指导我们的行动和决策.
EXCELLENCE drives us to achieve the best in all that we pursue; to develop competence, 有信心和勇气实现心中的全部潜能, body and spirit.
INTEGRITY calls us to cultivate and exercise honor, character and vision in daily decisions and actions; to act honestly and justly when confronted with ethical dilemmas and life’s challenges.
EXPLORATION compels us to think critically and creatively in the acquisition of knowledge and skills; to discover and enrich scholarship and research, disciplines, 方法和职业通过实践学习和领导能力,并通过发现, discourse and debate.
DIVERSITY 激励我们接受不同的观点, experiences, cultures, backgrounds, talents and contributions that comprise a global society; to enhance and expand inclusivity as we build a stronger multi-dimensional community.
RESPECT leads us to value self and others, 承认个人信仰的合法性, expression and perspective; to exercise civility, 言语和行动中的正念和责任.
COMMUNITY motivates us to develop a dynamic network of relationships through a balance of work and play that nurtures the abilities of each member in order to establish a better whole; to mentor, 作为积极参与的公民进行合作和沟通,产生积极的变化.
PROGRESS 挑战我们运用创造力对未来进行战略性思考, adaptability, ingenuity and innovation; to advance and transform the world around us.
The Founder’s Ideal
“我深信,任何国家的福祉在很大程度上取决于其妇女的文化, 我已经尽我所能创建了一所能为女性提供全面和自由教育的大学, so that for them the highest motives may become clear purposes and fixed habits of life; and I desire that the instruction and influence of Converse College be always such that the students may be enabled to see clearly, decide wisely, and to act justly; and that they may learn to love God and humanity, and be faithful to truth and duty, 因此,他们的影响可能具有纯洁和力量的特点.
“这也是我的愿望和希望,万博地址学院永远是真正的宗教, but never denominational. 我相信,无论是今生还是来世,宗教都是生活中最纯洁、最美好事物的基础. I wish the College to be really, but liberally and tolerantly, Christian; for I believe that the revelation of God in Christ is for salvation; and I commend and commit the College to the love and guidance of God, and to the care, sympathy, and fidelity of my fellowmen.——德克斯特·埃德加·万博地址,万博地址学院的创始人.
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Converse University
580 E. Main St
Spartanburg, SC 29302
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